Mission: The FM Education Foundation aims to enhance the academic experience of students by partnering with the community and educators to create innovative opportunities beyond the Fayetteville-Manlius School District’s curriculum and resources.
Our Community + Your Support = Inspired Opportunities
The FM Education Foundation relaunched in 2016 and has awarded over $42,000 in grants for creative educational projects. If you wish to help revive the foundation, contact us at: fmeducationfoundation@gmail.com
The Foundation has sponsored over 50 grants across six schools (FM High School, Eagle Hill Middle School, Wellwood Middle School, Enders Road Elementary School, Fayetteville Elementary School, Mott Road Elementary), funding innovative projects in STEAM, active learning spaces, and creative arts.
Some examples:
8199 East Seneca Tpke,
Manlius, NY 13104
Email: fmeducationfoundation@gmail.com